"The Bagger" is a strange creature first sighted stalking the wilds of New Jersey in 2014. Fortunately, several YouTube stars have been able to capture the exploits of this entity over the years as the legend grew. My intent here is to chronicle these efforts and perhaps lend some continuity to the incredible saga of "The Bagger".
(After you view a video Full Screen and when you exit full screen you'll end up back here - possibly with a different video snapshot in the table. You can reload the page or just go ahead and play the next one.)

The Original Bagger Trailer - January 2014
This is where it all began. Rated PG (Pretty Goofy).
The Rexland Bagger Early Years - December 2014
Could there be ... another?

It appeared as though the Baggers had disappeared, but in Spring of 2020 the Coronavirus must have somehow brought a new crop of Baggers to life - even more fearsome than before!

The Bagger On The Loose Trailer - May 2020
Six years after the original sighting ... new rumors of a sighting in Boonton New Jersey ... the authorities have been alerted!
CrazyKid8 Bagger Trailer - May 2020
Signs of things to come?? Yet another Bagger?
The Bagger On The Loose - May 2020
It's true! The Boonton sighting is verified and a reward offered for the capture and conviction of the Boonton Bagger! Rookie officer Gold and Lieutenant Burke of the Redwood Police force are on the case.
The Bagger In Pennsylvania - May 2020
According to CrazyKid8 News, the Bagger has been sighted in Levittown. Another reward has been offered and the Greedy Detective is on the hunt! Looks like there's a CrazyKid Bagger!!
The Bagger 2 Trailer: The Runaway - May 2020
What's next? Looks like a possible team-up may be in the future!
The Bagger 2: The Runaway - June 2020
The CrazyKid Bagger sends some clues to the Boonton Bagger ... after some fearsome and strange encounters, she deciphers the clues and discovers where to look next for the CrazyKid Bagger.
The Bagger 3 Trailer: Double Trouble - June 2020
It looks like the CrazyKid Bagger and the Boonton Bagger may team up - but will they be able to keep their secret identities a secret?
The Bagger 3: Double Trouble - June 2020
Somebody is spying on the two baggers and putting videos about them on their websites. Even worse, ace reporter Stephanie Michaels seems to be on their trail!
The Bagger 4 Trailer: You Snooze You Lose - July 2020
It's getting HARD! Is the Boonton Bagger thinking of hanging up her blanket??
The Bagger 4: You Snooze You Lose - July 2020
Lieutenant Brooks gets "LEGO-y" and almost traps the Bagger - we don't think she's coming back from THIS one!
The Bagger 5 Trailer: Stolen Thunder - Aug 2020
The Bagger's arch-nemesis makes her debut! Looks like THE CLOAKED DEVIL is on the loose!
The Bagger 5: Stolen Thunder - September 2020
An epic faceoff for dominance ensues between The Bagger and The Cloaked Devil ... could this be the FINAL episode?
The Bagger 6 Trailer: The Good Side - November 2020
Lieutenant Brooks has quit and the Redwood Police Department is on the lookout for new recruits ... will the Bagger come over to the "good" side?
The Bagger 6 (part 1): The Good Side - July 2021
The Bagger is arrested and agrees to spy on The Cloaked Devil. Remember: "Super-Villians don't follow rules!".
The Bagger 7 - Origin Story of the Cloaked Devil (Sept. 2021)
A pause in the timeline brings us back five years as we learn how The Cloaked Devil became the arch-nemesis of The Bagger. "Being tech savvy is very important for super-villians!"
Featuring Lucy from the channel "Lucy's Vids for Kids" .

On the off chance that non-family members stumble on this site, the videos are the work of a bunch of cousins. I'm sure they will all go on to be rich and famous and this site can be a tribute to their humble beginnings! Enjoy.